Silly Stuff

Pajama clothes, painted nails, and Teva shoes.  Silly enough for you?  That’s all I got today.  I woke up tired again, and my eyes are hurting.  I think I have allergies.  Anyway, it was enough of an excuse to stay with my plans for the day, which was just to relax and spend some time quilting.

It turned out to be a pretty good day.  I put my ‘new’ (thrift store) pajama clothes on first thing, to set the tone for the day.  What?  You don’t know what pajama clothes are?  When me and my BF are spending the day together, one or both of us will say at about 3pm–PAJAMA TIME!  And sometimes we put on our real pajamas, or sometimes it is just really comfortable clothes–like you wouldn’t be embarrassed if your neighbors saw you in them, but not exactly for going out shopping in.  Ya know what I mean?  Well, here I am in my pajama clothes trying to get a picture of Mr. Monk.  He is really cute in person, but so far not a fan of the camera.

Pajama clothes really call out for bare feet and painted toenails.  Its silly, but I do enjoy my painted toenails, and they have not been painted all winter–too cold to go barefoot long enough for them to dry.  So that got done too.  Here they are in my Teva sandals, which is the real reason for this picture.  A couple of you asked about my shoes yesterday, and I thought I’d give you a little Teva review.  I’ve worn Teva sandals for several years now.  These are my second pair.    I really like them.

So then I decided to get that pair of Teva shoes.  And I love them too.  I’ve had this pair for a year too, and they have held up well.  I think the main thing I like about the Teva shoes is that they are mildly supportive, but VERY lightweight.

I got a nice amount of quilting done, in between walks with the dogs ( two long walks with Noah, and two short walks with Mr. Monk and Sophie.)  Sophie is hoping that Mr. Monk is just here for a temporary visit and will disappear shortly.  Mr. Monk is feeling much better after his anesthesia has worn off, and is quite at home jumping on the furniture and licking my face.

On a day like today, I have no problem controlling what I eat, while still fitting in quite a few treats.  Really, most days everything I eat is a treat.  But I like it best when the treats are tasty AND nutritious.

11 thoughts on “Silly Stuff

  1. now in this picture the pug looks HUGE. In the other picture he looked like just a bit of a thing. I totally understand about yelling PJ TIME – that is exactly how my youngest and I roll too.

  2. Ah, a day spent in your “comfy cozies” is what I call them. Cute pic of your toes and your pup.

    Hope the rest of your week is as wonderful!

  3. I know all about PJ TIME!! We love our pj’s around here!

    Those shoes are so super cute! Must go find some now.

    Mr. Monk is so funny! He looks terrified in that picture. 🙂

    I’m going to Goodwill this afternoon since the kiddos are at gma’s house and 15 bean soup is in the crockpot. I’m so excited to spend a couple of hours just browsing, not having to worry about getting home early! Woo!

  4. Cute shoes and I love a day where I can lounge in cozy clothes…

    Yes, how are Mr. Monk and Noah getting along? And how much does MM weigh?

  5. I am becoming addicted to my two-piece jammie sets – I never used to wear them because my stomach was so big and the tops weren’t long enough to cover it. But I am loving them now and wear them earlier and earlier each day. Hey, as long as I’m still wearing a bra under them, I can be seen by the neighbors (which has happened more than once, lol).

    Tevas – I will go google them now. Super cute!!!

    And Mr. Monk looks worried, poor baby.

    Continuing our convo from your last post: My dog Paco gets a treat from his cookie jar every time he goes outside. Some days he just keeps running to the back door, I let him out, he comes back in 30 seconds later and goes right to the cookie jar! Cracks me up that he has his little scam going…and of course I fall for it!

  6. Awwww Mr. Monk!!! Mr. Monk looks just like my Nigel and they are about the same age too. (Nigel’s a year older) Nigel looks way cuter in person than on camera….must be the breed. 😉

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