Gotta Run!

As in, have no time!  I’m off to meet my BF, and then she’s coming up to my house to spend a day or two.  So Excited!  Thought I’d leave you guys a little photo essay of the goings on with the canine brigade around here.

Love this shot of Sophie on my lap.  All is right in her world if she gets to be on my lap.  Oh to be so simply satisfied.  (I LOVE her funny little feet.)

Mr. Monk is not particularly please with Sophie’s ‘all’s right with the world’ point of view.

This picture was a long time coming.  My neighbor would come over occasionally, and Sophie would run around like a mad woman, but would never let the neighbor touch her.  But when Mr. Monk was so friendly, it brought out a little ‘friendly competition’ in Sophie, and she finally decided it was okay to let my neighbor pet her.

When we go for a walk, Noah LOVES to grab a branch and carry it.  But it can’t be just any branch.  It has to be a giant branch with lots of junk on it.  Cracks me up.

Noah, before bath.

Noah, after bath.  Ahhh, much better.

Happy Monday, all!  See you in a couple of days.

10 thoughts on “Gotta Run!

  1. I’m soooo glad I popped in here today and found gorgeous pics or your K-9 units. Gosh, how I’ve missed my blogging friends.

    Like a lightbulb coming on suddenly or an apple falling from a tree ~plunk!~ on my head, I suddenly realized that I miss blogging something awful. So, I’m going to pick it up again.

    I’ve missed you. Can’t wait to catch up.


  2. Linda!!! SOOO glad to hear from you! I have missed your clever writing and sense of humor. Be sure to let us know where you are. (Oh, I might try clicking on your name.)

  3. Hope you have a wonderful visit with your friend!!!

    All of your dogs are adorable, but I too must confess a soft spot for Mr. Monk. Sohpie’s toenails remind me of my Bela’s toenails (which drive me nuts, because it’s so hard trimming black dog toenails).

  4. Thanks for the puppy pics – they are great! LOVE that Sophie got jealous of Mr. Monk’s attention from the neighbor – dogs are so freaking funny!!!

    Noah and his branch – what a boy!

    Hope you have a wonderful visit with you BF!!!

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