The Day in Pictures

Well, not the whole day.  It was a drizzly day today.  Started the day with a delicious protein pancake and some antics from Mr. Monk.

Mr. Monk in a cupboard.


Mr. Monk sits on a pillow.

Classic Monk.

Noah and I headed out for dog training, which ended up being cancelled, so we went to town and did some chores.  I got a nice piece of fish for dinner, and I picked up a little can of those brisling sardines, which were more expensive than the fresh fish.  Hmmm…

Several walks with Noah (around the parking lot, and on the road before we got home) got some of his excess energy out, and we were able to enjoy the first fire of the season!


Can you see his 'eyebrows?' One black, and one white--I love it!

You know I love it when Noah sleeps.

Picture included just so there won't be "problems" with Sophie later.

For dinner, I pan-fried the fish.  If you get the pan nice and hot first (spray with Pam) you can get a nice brown crust on the fish.  Spray the top side with a little more oil and flip.  Perfection!  I had some of the leftover brussel sprouts and some delicious sweet potato tidbits prepared by Vicky.  Dinner in six minutes!  Now that’s what I call cooking LOL!

All in all, it ended up being a really nice day.  Hope you all have just as nice a weekend!

12 thoughts on “The Day in Pictures

  1. Mr Monk in a cupboard… that was too cute!
    I’m glad you told what kind of veggie that was… I was looking, and thinking it was … eww… okra! LOL!

  2. So Sophie knows when she’s not getting her picture taken but the other dogs are? Love it – classic! Mr. Monk in the cupboard is so funny – does he like to fit into small places? And Noah sleeping…they ARE cute when they’re asleep!

    • Monk always likes to go into the closet when its opened. This was the first ‘cupboard’ opportunity he had, so I’m not sure what he was thinking.

      Sophie is constantly aware of the camera. I’m not kidding.

  3. Sounds like a great day. I LOVE your fireplace–the red is awesome–cozy and inviting. I’m going to grab a good book and a few dog biscuits and come for a visit–okay?

  4. I’m totally going to cook my fish like that next time I have fish. I don’t know when that will be. Some day.

    Mr. Monkaroni is so cute!! Love him!! Oh, and I saw a commercial the other day with Noah in it!! He was sitting in a woman’s lap – it was so cute!

    Sophie needs a tiara -just so that there won’t be any question of who is the real royalty in the house!!

    • I know. I need to get busy and make Sophie’s tiara. Monkaroni–haha! Love that new nickname for him. Not quite sure he will think its dignified enough though.

      Did you notice that June’s new puppy has an underbite? So he kind of reminds me of Noah.

  5. Did you hear a faint “squeeeee!” this past weekend? yep, I was catching up on showing Thing 2 pictures of the doggies. We especially loved Mr. Monk in the cupboard. 🙂

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