The Morning After. And Book Giveaway!

Weigh-in:  172.6.  I’ll take it.

Hope you all had a blessed Easter Sunday!  I had a VERY nice quiet peaceful day.  Our church was having a pancake breakfast before church, but I opted to start my day with a most enjoyable and delicious protein pancake at home.  I added in just a bit of flaxseed meal–yumm.  I make them the same way every time now.  Bake in some walnuts, and then top with mashed banana.

On to church, where we had a lovely service, and I enjoyed greeting all my friends.

I had bought a couple of New York steaks that looked good, and boy oh boy, were they.  NO I didn’t eat two steaks.  One is in the freezer for a rainy day, which by the looks of it, we will get plenty of this spring.  Not complaining because it is beautiful and green around here.

I decided ahead of time that I could eat whatever I wanted on Easter.  An interesting experiment, because it did take a lot of the anxiety away.  I found that I WANTED to make good choices most of the day.  Like with the steak, I did have a baked potato with some real butter, but then I only wanted some plain fresh veggies and no bread.  That was a treat, and it was plenty.

Later in the evening I whipped up a batch of my mac and cheese with butternut squash. Oh man, that stuff is yummy.  And again, more enjoyable because you know it has the veggies added in.  Sorry I didn’t take a picture, because it is very pretty.

And I did have my traditional Palmer’s chocolate Easter bunny.  I used to eat Palmer’s chocolate bunnies in the weeks leading up to Easter,  followed by their biggest bunny of all–Daddy Big Ears– on Easter!  And go to the stores the day after to stock up on more.  So I would say going and choosing the smallest one I could find is definitely a change for the better there.  I thoroughly enjoyed that little bunny along with a small box of ‘peeps’  (yellow chicks only, please) that my friend had bought for me.  The end.

I have had quite a bit of time off from work lately.  I know that I am one who likes routine, and being a nurse working an everchanging schedule has generally not allowed that in my life.  So I have noticed that I really like the routine that can be fit into a week.  Like, lately, Saturday mornings are the morning I take a longer walk with Noah.  We went 4 miles on Saturday.  And then we went to our canine good citizen’s class in the afternoon.  Guess who was sacked out that evening?  Okay, BOTH of us were LOL.

Some interesting links:

A complete listing of sodium content in common foods.  This is an interesting website, as they are actually dealing with a disease that needs to eat low sodium.  But I found it fascinating that they added this cautionary note in regards to severely restricting sodium:  The body posesses exquisite systems which accurately regulate body sodium.  I remember learning about this in nursing school.  It was fascinating to me to see how the microscopic parts of the kidney regulate the electrolytes in your body.  Not to say we shouldn’t watch our sodium intake.  We should.  Just to say that your body is equipped to take care of a NORMAL amount of sodium intake (1100-3300mg/day.)

Georgie wrote an excellent fair-minded article about carbohydrates.  I have to admit it drives me nuts when people start throwing around the carbohydrate word.  There are a LOT of different carbohydrates in the world of food, and they are not all bad!

Miscellaneous picture show:

This would have been  a GREAT salad, if SOMEONE would have had salsa in her refrigerator… THAT situation has been remedied.  The guacamole on top was simply a mashed avocado with some garlic salt, a little lime juice, and a little cumin mixed in.  Very satisfying.  For some reason I like guacamole much better than chunks of avocado in a salad.

Still life at casa debby:

Spring is having a hard time emerging around here:

Yumm.  YUMM.  YUMM!!!  Lunch combo courtesy of Shelley–greek yogurt, granola (I found some organic granola at Walmart!!), walnuts, and dried cranberries.  Yumm!

Sophie has a hard time settling down when my lap is not available.  When I am sewing she generally tap tap taps back and forth between my sewing table and the living room, which is where she thinks I belong.  She has a very strong sense of where she thinks things belong.  Finally, when I refuse to follow her directives, she will get in this little doggie bed that I store under the table where I am sewing.  She cracks me up.  As you can see, she is still not completely relaxed.  Especially when there is a camera around…

I guess that’s enough for a Monday morning.  OH, EXCEPT I HAVE TO GIVE ANOTHER BOOK AWAY!  I keep forgetting!  (BTW, these books are all slightly used, from my own collection .)

The End of Overeating is one of the most useful books I have read.  The author explains in scientific terms just why the fat/salt/sugar combo is so hard to resist.  For myself, this is one scientific theory that I have found to be true.  Once I read his explanations, I could literally taste the salt in  the chocolate chip cookies, and knew that that was a big part of the reason that I loved them so much.  Another ‘proof?’  The addition of ‘salted caramel to everything from yogurt to coffee to boxed chocolates!

I have stayed very aware of this theory, and try to minimize my consumption of this combo in foods.

If you want the book, please say BOOK in your comments, and Noah will choose a winner on Wednesday!

16 thoughts on “The Morning After. And Book Giveaway!

  1. I read this book not too long ago and I also thought it was fascinating (so don’t include me in the giveaway). 🙂

    Your yogurt combo looks really good! I’m all about the yogurt for breakfast and dessert lately. Wish I had some right now…

  2. I own this book so don’t include me in the giveaway! You are right, it is a winner and I hope it benefits someone else as much as did us.

    Sounds like a lovely Easter day and I applaud you for skipping the pancake breakfast.

    Our spring has fully emerged and turned into summer! Yours will get here – I promise!!

  3. I’d love to read that book – please enter me in the giveaway. 🙂

    Glad you had such a satisfying Easter meal – those are the best, and you can feel so good about yourself, too!

    Poor Sophie – it’s a tough life when you are in charge and your human does not behave quite right, lol!

  4. One of the most interesting aspects of eating mindfully is that I now take the time to *really* taste the different flavors in foods. It’s rewarding to have a desire for something sweet and immediately identify 4 or 5 fruits/veggies that will satisfy my tasted buds.

    Right now I’m really wishing I had some Greek yogurt. 🙂

  5. I have the book too and it IS a great one! Don’t enter me! But I did want to say thanks for the love on my article. I worked a ridiculously long time on that.

    Thank you for always being so sweet Debby! And I could watch your couch monsters all day. They are such characters!


  6. Hi Debby,

    I received my book from you (rethinking thin). Thanks! I’ve already read this one, so don’t include me. Glad you had a reasonable Easter and a success with the scale!

  7. Love your blog and have been reading it for several months … also love God, food, dogs, food, and BOOKS! Still on the meandering journey to control the food I eat, but am uplifted by your words and thoughts.

    I love the fact that Noah picks!!

  8. This book sounds like something that could help me with getting my eating habits in check. Please enter me in the giveaway.

  9. Hi Debby! I listened to that book on CD (so don’t enter me), and it was fantastic. I think the salt+fat+sweet trifecta is particularly triggering for me…why else would I have eaten so much ham? The funny thing about listening to it was that the narrator had the kind of voice they use in ads, and the food descriptions would make me hungry…kind of cruel selection. They should have used the snooty lady who read the Beck book. 😉

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