Cottage Cheese + Egg Whites–A Winning Combination!

After seeing this recipe on Lori’s blog, I wanted to try the “Cauliflower Pizza Bites.”  I had no illusions that they would taste anything close to pizza or pizza crust.  But I was pretty sure with the base combo of cottage cheese and egg whites that they would be tasty.  And I was not disappointed!  I ate them for dinner two nights in a row.  But let’s re-name these little buggers.  How about Italian Cauliflower Cheesy Bites?  I followed the recipe, except I have an Italian spice combo that I like to use in this kind of recipe, and I use the garlic mash in the jar instead of powder.  I also think they would be good if you sub’d a bit of asiago or mozzarella cheese for some of the cottage cheese.  Very yummy.  But NOT pizza!

I think the first time I became aware of the yummy properties of the egg white/cottage cheese combo was with this classic recipe from Hungry Girl (peach and cottage cheese kugel–scroll down on page for recipe.)  I used to make this quite a bit when I first started losing weight.  I might have to make it again IF I EVER FIND SOME GOOD PEACHES around here?  Anybody else having trouble finding good peaches this summer?

Since then I have used that cottage cheese and egg white combo in a number of my recipes, and I still enjoy all of these:

So go ahead and try that cauliflower recipe.  Just don’t go into it thinking you’re gonna get pizza.  Then you won’t be disappointed!

5 thoughts on “Cottage Cheese + Egg Whites–A Winning Combination!

  1. I love your disclaimer – and they sound good!

    I had good peaches, but I made them into jam. It’s damn good jam, though! 🙂

  2. Yes, LET’S rename all these ridiculous things to what they really should be called! Italian Cauliflower Cheesy Bites sounds more appealing to me than pizza bites anyway.

  3. I bookmarked that recipe in my “to try” folder so it’s coming. Usually, if Lori give it a thumbs up, I’m in!! Hate to burst your bubble on the peaches, but seems South Carolina must’ve had pretty good crop. I bought a half bushel this past Monday and have had to really reign in my eating of them. I’ve flash frozen quite a few to eat in smoothies. That’s worked perfectly as well – it’s my first attempt at flash freezing peaches and I’ll never do it any other way again!

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