Pay It Forward

(Starting the parade of Christmas ornaments–cheating and using pics from last year, because I don’t have my tree up yet this year!)

Do you ever wonder how you end up reading certain blogs?  I guess its usually from a comment on a blog I usually read, then I jump on over to another blog, and so on.  And why do I go back to certain blogs and not others?  Well, a lot of times it is because it seems like we have something in common, or because they are clever writers.  Sometimes it is because they have pretty colorful pictures.  I think that’s why I went back to this bloggers blog.  And I found out today that she is actually a quilter.  The other day I just thought she was using pretty quilt pictures.  Anyway when I visited today she had a great idea, and I decided I wanted to participate, so here it is:

It’s a challenge of sorts.  In a nutshell, it’s to send a handmade gift to 3 people.  Here are the details….

I will make a handmade gift for the first 3 interested people who comment on this post.

I have 365 days to do it in

What it will be and when it will arrive is a total surprise!

The catch is that you must participate as well:

You must have a blog.

And before you leave your comment here, write up a pay it forward post on your blog to keep the fun going.  Just cut and paste this one if you like, which I did.

So, there you go…..if you’d like to receive a handmade gift from me sometime in the next 365 days, leave a comment here on my blog.   I’m already thinking about what I’ll make and send…..thanks Sybil for posting this.

I was going to write a post titled ‘The Day After’ but will just add a bit about my birthday here.  I am done celebrating.  I do feel like I have a ‘food hangover’ this morning.  And unfortunately, this is one of those times that I feel like I still haven’t learned to pace myself, and I have to drive an hour and a half to meet my sister and my dad to ‘celebrate’ my birthday with yet another restaurant dinner.  Yuck.  I would love to stay home all day.  Just feeling a little overwhelmed with all the traveling and eating.  But I think I will remedy that by leaving early and getting in a good workout at the gym.

I hate to sound complainy.  I did have a great day yesterday.  My friend took me out for my birthday.  It is a tradition now.  One of the things we do is buy each other Christmas gifts ($10 limit) at a great store called Home Goods.  We really have so much fun looking around the store and getting the best bargain for our present from the other person.  We shared lunch, and then went to Yogelina (YAY!!) for dessert.

I had overplanned again, so when I got home I had to rush around and get dinner ready to take to my neighbors.  She has taped ‘Monk’ for me for years, and last night was the show finale, so I said I would fix her dinner and we could watch it together.  A lovely idea, but a bit much tacked on to the end of the day.  Anyways, I made myself tally up my calories for the day,and it came to about 2200.  Which is more than I’ve eaten in forever.

I think I”ll cut this post short so I can actually carry through my plan of working out at the gym.  Thank you all for the nice birthday wishes.

Let’s see, to answer a few questions:  Yes, I really do commute 55 miles to work, and it takes 1 1/2 hours to drive it.  I have commuted now for 21 years.  I am tired of driving.

Yes, Oliver is a complete gentleman.  He does just like to be near me, and is not the demanding spoiled wench that Sophie is.  I didn’t notice Sophie licking me while I shot the video, but I usually don’t let her lick me non-stop–it drives me nuts.  She has allergies, though, and sometimes she licks her paws.  I keep trying new foods to see if we can find just the right combo.

Okay, now I’m really going to end!  Have a great weekend everyone!

10 thoughts on “Pay It Forward

  1. Me! Me! Me!!!!!! You knew I’d be a sucker for this one, didn’t you?? I posted the Pay It Forward post on my blog, so I’m all in!! Make me something pretty!!! 🙂

  2. I love that idea! And I thought you’d get more responses about this…except that maybe people are intimidated by the disparity by what you’d make compared to what they’d make. I am. I also didn’t have time to write a post, but now it looks like I might…so I might try this. (If you get a couple of other takers before me, though, sign them up instead.)

      • I’m not getting many takers, Debby…apparently, potential suitors are not the only ones driven off by the threat of a hand-knit scarf! 😉 I’ll commit to “paying it forward” by knitting three items for Christie O’s annual virtual NICU baby shower next year.

      • Hey Pubsgal! I was just going to write you a note! You’re famous–you were featured in the news section of ‘Two Fit Chicks’ podcast! Woo hoo!

        And it really doesn’t matter if you get any takers. Just that you tried. And just between you and me, I was delighted that three of my favorite bloggers signed up to get something or other from me! And I will tell you that just like Sybil (the blogger that started it all) I am a procrastinator, and so part of the appeal to me was that I had 365 days to fulfill my obligation!

        Do you want to wait til after Christmas to set a day for our horseback ride? BTW, you used some sort of initials when you referred to it, and I wasn’t sure what you were referring to.


      • Yes, after Christmas will be good. As you can see on their web site, the horses get the winter months off ( Oh, and TWH=Tennessee Walking Horses. This breed has a unique gait called a “running walk” in addition to the usual walk/trot/canter/gallop; it’s supposed to be very smooth, which is why I’ve always wanted to try it! And compared to some of the stables closer to my home, these horses appear to be taken care of very well.

        Yep, I’m a procrastinator too, and that’s why I went ahead and signed up! 😉 As it is, Christie’s annual NICU virtual baby shower is always in November, so that gives me plenty of time!

        And yes! I knew they were going to use my “blogger news,” but I didn’t know they’d say such nice things in along with the reporting! I was floating for the rest of the day. 🙂

      • Oh, this will be such a special treat. When I was a kid, and horse-crazy, Tennessee Walkers were one of my most favorite horses!


  3. Pingback: Homemade Pay It Forward Fun! « all things juice

  4. Pingback: Answers « debby weighs in

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