Busy, busy

Boy, the last 3 days have really been full days.  And now its back to work for a couple of days.  But I just wanted to check in.  I had another good workout with Vicky this morning.  Last night at her exercise class, I did 3 sets of 4 ‘explosive pushups’–you know those ones where you push up and clap in between!  I couldn’t believe I could do them.  I actually didn’t want to try.  And yes, they were still knee pushups.  But I am getting better at pushups by doing all different types of them.  Most of the rest of my days were filled with lots of regular stuff–quilting, reading, lunch with friends, laundry and a little cleaning.  I am starting to run a little bit more, which I am excited about.  But the darn deer flys are as bad as I have ever seen them, and it is unseasonably warm around here (96 degrees today.)  I am looking forward to more running when fall really arrives.  I did move some of my big japanese maple pots around–really, I think that one weighed at least 200 pounds, and repotted two of them into bigger containers.  This is when I am happiest about the hard exercise and weight lifting that I am doing–when I have the strength for practical tasks around the house.  Vicky told me today that I was quite a bit firmer, and asked if I thought that I was.  And I said yes, as long as I wasn’t looking in the mirror.  Man, those things are brutal at the gym.  They keep me humble.

My weight was down another 0.4 pounds this week (can you believe it?)  I have to lose 1.1 pounds in 8 days to meet my September challenge on Lori’s blog!  This is going to be a hard week!  I think I might make a sub-goal to do at least one tabata interval every day and see if that makes a difference.  They are supposed to really crank your metabolism.

I am off to shower and then have my first bowl of pumpkin custard in honor of the first(?) day of fall.  I guess I’ll have to sit in front of the air conditioner that is still running at 8pm to pretend its fall!

9 thoughts on “Busy, busy

  1. You and I are so alike with that.
    I LOVE LOVE that I lift mostly on days when I need to carry my 38 pound daughter and the groceries all the way to the car.

    I feel the most strong then—-not when I lift 🙂

    have a great wednesday!

  2. I know what you mean! Changing those 40-lb water bottles on the cooler at work makes me feel downright She-Rah! 🙂

    Congrats on your progress with the challenge! I think Lori’s right, it’s harder the closer you are to goal. (Am I a total weenie, though, for being more impressed that you can do sets of “explosive pushups”? Wowsa!)

    It’s weird here. Hot up at my kids’ school (which is up at 2,000 ft or so), and cool and foggy at home (sea level).

    • Sophie is so funny. She really doesn’t think she should be required to run faster than a trot. But she is a good sport and will try to keep up with me and Oliver when I am in the mood to run!

  3. I am always so happy when things around the house are easier thanks to my weight training. I’m glad you are experiencing that too. Good for you– and I’m so impressed that you can do explosive pushups! It sounds like your workouts are really going great and getting results.

    Speaking of results– congrats on the loss this week!! 🙂

    I need to learn to quilt. I come from a long line of quilters, and I’d hate for that to come to a screeching halt with me. I used to make little nine patch blocks when I was little and bugging my grandma in her sewing room, but I never advanced past that. I highly value the quilts I have inherited, and I just know how much work went into each one. Maybe I will take the plunge someday. It sounds as though you really enjoy it!

    • I DO really enjoy quilting! It did take a bit of time to learn, but now I find that it offers several things–it is a creative outlet, of course. But it is also a very relaxing thing to just pick up two pieces of fabric and sew them together, and then watch them grow into a quilt top before you know it! (I hand piece and hand quilt as well and machine piecing and quilting.) Also, you can’t eat and quilt at the same time!

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