Goodbye, for Reals!

I’m sure there are a million things I should be doing before I leave,  but I just had to say goodbye!  Noah and I are off on our excellent adventures.  You KNOW he is going to have something to say when he returns.

Just a few thoughts (ha-what else is new?)  You all have been so kind and helpful in your comments the past couple of weeks.  I just thought that I should tell you that when I say I am in a funk, it usually doesn’t last too long.  I know I am very blessed in that.  And when I say I am not sleeping well, it usually means I get 5 or 6 hours of sleep instead of the 7 or 8 that I like to get.   Again, I am very blessed.   When I read about others who constantly struggle with depression, or who haven’t slept well  in years, my complaints seem very small indeed.  Like I said, I am blessed, and I am blessed to have friends like you.

Thought I would share a funny (on me) with you all.   Have you ever heard of TVP?  Stands for Total Vegetable Protein.  Evidently it is manufactured from soy products and is used for veggie burgers and such.  But I saw a bag of it in the Bob’s Red Mill section of the store (love that stuff) and it intrigued me.  Looked so crispy, and high in protein.  Thought it had some possibilities for baking with higher protein.  And it didn’t have any flavor, but took on whatever flavor you added to it.   I tried a couple of flakes when I got home, and it was VERY crispy, and it had no flavor.   So this morning I tried it out. Had some excellent peaches and thought I would make a peach crisp.

Mmmm. looks crispy and tasty, doesn't it?

I decided to have it over some cottage cheese to make it more breakfasty.

Yumm, yumm, yumm!

Well, evidently, they were very successful at manufacturing this stuff  to have the TEXTURE of hamburger meat.  Yes, I ate that whole bowl of peach meatloaf LOL!   What a shame.  It did still keep its crispness on the part that didn’t touch liquid.  And it didn’t TASTE like hamburger.  But I couldn’t get past the texture.  Amazingly like hamburger.  So I might just be experimenting with some veggie burger recipes when I get home.

For those of you who are craving a peachy dessert now, I used Georgie’s recipe for Peach Cobbler and just adjusted the topping to make it a ‘crisp’ instead of a cobbler.  Next time I’ll FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS!

Have a great Fourth of July, and be good boys and girls until I get back!

13 thoughts on “Goodbye, for Reals!

  1. Peach Meatloaf, oh that’s great!! Not sure I could get past the texture, either seeing as how I am all about the texture. I applaud your effort though! 🙂

    Have a great weekend!!

  2. “Peachloaf?” LOL!!! Sorry that happened to you, though it does make a good story. The texture description made me gag a little bit. I will look up Georgie’s recipe, though…that girl has it going ON with healthy recipes! Love her site!

    Hope you have a wonderful trip, and that Noah enjoys his little adventure, too! 🙂

  3. Sorry it didn’t taste so great. Nevertheless, it looked good. I love peach cobbler, but not with a texture like hamburger. Have a great adventure. Looking forward to hearing from you when you return.

  4. You left me LOL! I bet it would make a super chili dish. Congratulations on winning the prize on Shelly’s site! I have a nike+ and love it! I use it all the time.

  5. I’ll eat just about anything with peaches, but peach meatloaf sure is an…interesting…description! I hadn’t heard of total vegetable protein before so thanks for the humorous introduction to it. I’m one of those people that likes to sneak in vegetable servings wherever I can get them. I’ve got a recipe for gazpacho on my blog that is pretty tasty and combines lots of veggies, and it helps because it’s so refreshing during the summer that I’ll happily slurp anything that cools me off! Check it out sometime at

  6. You are the first peach meatloaf I’ve ever heard of, but I bet you could start a trend seeing as how you live in trendy California.

    And I’m not sure but I think TVP stands for Texturized VP. Food for thought.

    I crack myself up.

    • It seems like I have been gone forever too. And I was feeling particularly ‘homesick’ this afternoon, so your comment was really appreciated. I am overwhelmed with all the creativity and stuff I’ve learned. Want to write a blog but no energy for it. As soon as I get home, you won’t be able to shut me up!

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