Gratuitous “Noah” Shots

Can you tell he’s halfway on-halfway off the stair in this picture?  Isn’t it funny when puppies do stuff like that?  I’m always so thrilled that he’s actually playing with legitimate toys that I have to take a picture of him.  Can you tell he is growing?  He has gained 8 pounds in 9 days.  And I am keeping him on the slender side.  Oh, to have such a problem…

So today was a nice, normal day.  Kind of a catch-up day from all the hullabalu earlier in the week.  Food was great.  I always do best if I have a plan for the day.  And if I can include a treat AND have nutritious food during the day, all the better!  These days it seems like I am enjoying having 6 small meals a day.  They aren’t tiny, but they are usually only one food item, and that is a big change for me.  I used to really enjoy having a little ‘banquet’ set out to eat–even when it was healthy food.

So today, here were my 6 food items.  Banana chocolate chip oatmeal cups (2)–these hold me better than the regular oatmeal because they have egg in them.  Mid-morning–yogurt, muesli, and pear.  Lunch–BBQ turkey salad (thanks for the idea, Lori!)  Mid-afternoon–frozen yogurt–I get the original tart, which only has 60 calories per 1/2 cup.  Of  course I do add a few toppings…Dinner–1/2 baked sweet potato topped with left over veggie stir fry from the day before (I mixed a little garlic and fresh rosemary in to the veggies.  This was delicious.  I did have a side dish of some zucchini!.  And to end the evening, two lobars with a cup of chai tea.

I have been walking Noah twice a day and he is getting pretty good at it.  I think he will make a nice running companion eventually.  And I did go to the gym for a challenging workout before I went to the frozen yogurt place.  I have started using a stationary bicycle just a little bit since they moved it upstairs with the weight machines and equipment.  Its funny how when you try a new exercise that your body isn’t used to, it seems extraordinarily hard at first.  I think everyone should get on those machines once in a while.  It is very sobering to watch how many calories you burn.  When you are working up a sweat and see that you have only burned 50 calories, it puts a little handful of M&M’s in perspective.

You guys were so funny in the comments to the previous post about the seaweed.  I guess I won’t take out stock in that company yet.  I will have to pick out a really tempting recipe from my new Cooking Light magazine (thanks Shelley!) to get some more positive reactions!

I have to go.  I keep falling asleep and writing lines and lines of ssssssssssssssssssssssssss  Have a great weekend.  I’ll check in on Sunday!

12 thoughts on “Gratuitous “Noah” Shots

  1. is he doing a good job of learning to stay on ‘his side’ of you walking so that he isn’t tripping you up running later? I love it when dogs finally catch on to that and staying right at one’s side so wallking is relaxed and not a tug of war. I am always amazed at how young they can learn it. I think people underestimate their intelligence. Running will also keep him very interested in following you.

    • Yes indeedy! When I walked with all four dogs (and occasionally ran) I ran a tight ship! 3 dachshunds on one side, standard poodle on the other. Command was ‘walk nice.’ Many years ago (I was about 24) during one of my other weight loss efforts, I was running a lot, and I had a doberman who crossed in front of me, and I fell really hard and hurt one knee really bad.

      I think Noah will be a natural follower (won’t try to pull) I think its the nature of the breed.

    • So far NONE! He has an extremely thick winter coat. I think he will be a BIG shedder twice a year. That’s what I hope, anyways!

  2. Noah looks like he would be a good foot warmer! What an adorable puppy – love the stair thing.

    Did your first issue arrive? I haven’t even looked at my January issue – but my kids are going back to school (3 hrs. away) tomorrow and then my life will get a little quieter and back to normal.

  3. Yes, it came, and it is a gorgeous magazine. Could be a little dangerous for me–like the first recipe I want to try is the ‘upside down brownies…’ but really, it will be helpful in getting ideas for adding more flavor and spices to recipes. Thanks again!

  4. I would be sticking my feet in all that fur if he were sitting at the foot of my chair 😀

    Isn’t it funny how we are influenced to eat by what others eat? I sometimes have to be very careful what blogs I read!

    Thanks for the link the banana oat cups – Go Oatmeal!!

  5. Thanks for the Noah pics! Maybe you should do a calendar of him – one pic per month, then at the end of the year you could see how he has changed from month to month! How cute would that be?!

  6. I always love reading what you’re eating for the day. You eat really well and it always sounds sooooo good! I do much better with a plan too. My problem is that what I DO eat is soooo boring. I really dislike having to cook two meals!!

  7. Noah is so cute!

    I plan my meals always, sit down once a week to do that. It makes it easier to stick to my weight loss journey if I don’t have to make choices what to eat everyday again.

  8. Noah is a cutie-pie! 🙂 I’m another planner here. My successful days involve having everything planned, portioned and logged.

    I get on the stationary bike now and again. I prefer hitting the road on my own bike, however it’s a bit chilly for that.

    Enjoy the rest of your day!

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