Been Busy!

Keeping busy around here. Lots of fun stuff. Lots of food to talk about, but I’ll have to save that for another time. here’s a photo-essay of all that’s been happening.

I’m always looking at dogs on Petfinder. Sometimes I check to see what’s at our little local shelter. I couldn’t believe it when I saw this cute little pug-chihuahua cross. I have met several of these types of dogs and they always had great personalities. I went down the next day to check her out, and she was just as cute in person. So I asked my mom how she would like to have a dog again. And she wanted to try! Its been the best thing in the world for her.


Yep, its happening again! J the contractor called, and he is going to come back and re-do my bedroom and closet while I am away at rug hooking camp the first week of June! That means, that in addition to continuing to try to empty out my bedroom and closet, I need to spend some time choosing carpet and paint colors. Aaargh. I thought I had all my choices made, but then I made the mistake of stopping by the carpet display at Lowe’s, and saw a completely different color that I liked.


I was going to go with a rich brown with reddish undertones for the rug, and pale pale pink for the walls. But the new carpet color I saw was a kind of coral (it was called “melon.”) So I would need a different wall color to go with that.

The blue paint chips are there just because I saw a kitchen in a magazine that had a deep bright blue accent which I really liked. That’s for when and if we do the whole kitchen thing…


I have been quilting and sewing like crazy. I made this large quilt top, which I really like. I’ve made several actually. Now to get them quilted…


Today MLG came over to start the new garden project. I LOVE the way it looks. He is cutting those boards and fitting them together just so. He showed me how the skill saw(?) has a little dealie-bobber that lets you set the angle you want the cut made! Ooh, that made me want one of those. Its not finished yet, but you can get the general outline.


While he was working on that, I kept busy weeding some of the beds, and moving a large stack of wood from the back  to the front. When I finished with all of that, I rewarded myself with a trip to the nursery. I got quite a few plants, but here are a couple of the most interesting ones.

I couldn’t figure out what this little plant was. It almost looked like a perfect little bonsai tree. Guess what it is? BASIL! With tiny little leaves. Cute, huh?


And I love the color of this plant. It was called a chameleon plant. And it said it was an “aggressive” ground cover. Well, I don’t think anything can be very aggressive in our rocky soil, so I plan to put it in the ground (not in one of the beds.)


And lastly, when MLG was exhausted from working in the heat all day, he remembered that I had asked if he could figure out a way to make a ramp for Mr. Monk. And so he fashioned one out of a piece of leftover wood I found laying around. I put a rug over it, and that provided just enough traction that he feels secure walking up it!


Gratuitous Sophie shot: “Waiting for Popcorn.” I’m not sure why she was waiting for the popcorn on the chair where I couldn’t reach her. Who can know the mind of Sophie? (except Shelley : ) )


I’ve made several trips to the Bay Area–one to deliver the little doggie, and another to take a load of stuff to my sister. I know I will be really busy for the next couple of weeks before rug camp, so blogging will probably be pretty sporadic.

12 thoughts on “Been Busy!

  1. Having been through the paint/rug thing recently, I understand your overwhelmed feeling. Too many choices!

    I have a friend whose husband would not let her look at PetFinder any more so she started a rescue lol. Mr. Monk and Sophie are both adorable!

    • Yes! Too many choices! And I told the guy in the carpet store that the reason I liked the sample blocks was because ALL the colors were on there. Which of course would not work well for a bedroom…

  2. Mr. Monk says ‘ Thank you for my ramp!!” What a cutie. I cannot, cannot, cannot look at Pet Finder. I have enough trouble with the cats that come my way without asking.

    My one fear when I start doing house flipping again is having to choose carpet. I don’t like carpet and if I end up having to put it in a house, I will need a lot of guidance LOL!

    I wanna help with your kitchen remodel!!!

    • Well that’s good to hear! I’m pretty sure I will want opinions and input on that one! Oh, did you mean you would come and help build it? Wow, that would probably save me a lot of money LOL.

  3. My two cents on carpet…dark carpeting looks great from the doorway after vacuuming. It shows every footstep, crumb, dog hair at the end of the day. A lighter carpet will hide most everything and have a warm cozy feeling. A neutral, may be boring but provides more options for changing accents.

    • Oh, that is good information! I think I’ll go to the paint store today and see if I can’t find something that will go with the lighter carpet option!

  4. Why was Sophie waiting for popcorn on that particular chair? Because you should come to her, naturally. I mean, why on earth wouldn’t you?? She’s the Queen, after all.

    I told you about my carpet dilemma. I swear, maybe because the color can change so drastically depending on time of day/natural light vs. artificial light, it’s a real mind-bender. I’m sure you’ll be very happy with your choice – you do colors so well.

    LOVE that quilt top! Reminds me of leaves, in a wedding ring kind of way.

    And I also love that you rewarded yourself with a trip to the garden center – WTG on getting a feast for the eyes instead of (as we are both wont to do) the stomach. Your garden looks so pretty and that new bed will be another fun spot for you!

  5. One thing i know for sure…….if Debby’s blogging is sporadic its because she is off having fun! Sometimes i think there is just too many options with paint color and flooring…geesh… AND i know i never get it right the first time……Hugs! deb

  6. Ooooh, I love your quilt top! Very fun.
    You are REALLY going to town on remodeling and updates. So exciting. I’m hoping to get some things done around here when the mortgage is paid off (soon, very soon) but I know I won’t implement as well as you. Good for your mom, I know when I was pet-less for a year it was not a good thing.
    Happy Hooking.

    • Thanks! I need to post over on my quilt blog. Maybe tonight…

      Yes, the remodeling stuff is fun. Expensive fun, but fun nonetheless : )

  7. You sure have been busy! I don’t look at animal shelters websites or look for puppy’s. The risk that Bella gets a little brother or sister is too big 🙂 and she’s already a handful. You should check out my post of last Saturday (another walking post) and she what she was up to now.

    Your garden looks so pretty and so do your lovely cute dogs.

  8. I’d love to have a skil saw, but my family has forbidden me from having one. 🙂

    Love the quilt top! So bright and cheery! You have such an amazing eye for color with your quilts; I’m surprised you struggle with choosing colors in decorating. I don’t think you could go wrong just using your instinct!

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