Woo Hoo! I’m Running!

Well, okay, lets just say this is one time I’m glad I’m NOT a video blogger.  Cause I really wouldn’t want you guys to see how I run.  But I did!  And I was so excited.  Ever since I posted way back when about hurting my back, I have been very careful about not doing anything to make it worse.  And slowly, my back has gotten back to just about normal.  That is one thing I am truly thankful for, Mizfit.  

So, since I got off work Thursday, I have planned/thought about going for long walks.  But it hasn’t happened.  Friday I was truly too tired.  Saturday I worked out at Curves, and it was hotter than normal outside.  Sunday…day of rest?  But today, encouraged along by my running blogmies Lori, Laura, and Superdave, I decided I just had to get out there.  And, son of a gun, if the old body just didn’t feel like everything was working together just right.  So I started running, slowly, and really holding my stomach in to support my back like my physical therapist taught me, and kinda not lifting my feet up too high (my idea of low-impact running)  and I DID IT!  I did the three mile loop from my house to the end of the road and back.  My road is either uphill or downhill, but I ran the whole time except the really steep hill in the middle, and the last 1/4 mile uphill to home.  Boy I felt great!


This is the steep hill.  Unfortunately, it doesn't look as steep in a still photo.

This is the steep hill.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t look so steep in a still photo.

So on the food front, I tried something so completely delicious, I have to share it with you.  My new bloggie friend, Amy Jo, suggested applesauce and cottage cheese this morning.  Since I am obsessed with cottage cheese, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard of or tried this before.  So when I got home from my run (it even feels good to say that)  I looked in the frig, and saw this pear spread I make to use for jam on my english muffins.  And I thought-that will work great!  OMG, it is absolutely delicious mixed together.  I am going to include the recipe for the pear spread in my side bar.  Its easy, and it actually lasts a pretty long time in the frig.  (BTW, it is a recipe I found in a diabetic cookbook called Snack, Munch, Nibble, Nosh Book.)

Over and out.  I’m going to a friend’s house to knit this afternoon.

Addendum:  I wrote this yesterday at noon.  The rest of the day went great.  It’s amazing when you have one victory how it can carry you along and encourage you to make better choices for the rest of the day.  For dinner I made a great new ‘pizza’ combo–BBQ chicken pizza!  I’ll write it up in the sidebar too.

13 thoughts on “Woo Hoo! I’m Running!

  1. wow. what a fantastic post and addendum.

    law of attraction huh? or at least the reverse, waking up grumpy and staying grumpy, sure works to bring more GRUMP YER WAY 🙂


  2. I am so proud of you for running. Running is one of those goals I have set for myself when I am at an appropriate weight for doing so. I would love to be able to feel what you are describing!

  3. 3 miles is amazing! I would LOVE to be able to do that! It looks like you have a beautiful scenic area to jog; what a great way to start out your day 🙂

    By the way, thanks for the plug *wink* I love applesauce, but I love pears even more! I’ll definitely have to try your pear spread!

  4. I can vouch for the steepness of that hill! Maybe if you took the pic squatting down while you take it, it would “show” better. I am really, REALLY impressed with your running! Man, that road is such a roller coaster, too. Amazing!!

  5. Hi Debby,
    I am just getting around to answering a few emails and questions on my blog. Sorry for the delay. You know how life gets in the way sometimes!

    Anyway, you asked how many Points my Crunchy Granola has. For 1/2 cup serving (which I portion in bags right after I make it!!) it’s 3 Points. I’m sorry I don’t have better nutrionals than that, but I’m a Weight Watcher, so I just use their recipe builder to figure it out.

    Now, I’m headed back to read your blog. Looks GREAT!!

    (I can answer emails later, she rationalizes, wanting to dig in here!!)


  6. Way to go!!! I’m impressed, it took me a long time to work up to 3 miles, and that’s in a flat area! What a gorgeous area for a run, too–that would make up for doing hills in my book.

  7. Sry – As usual I am late.. 😦
    You took off and ran 3 miles! Holy cow that’s awesome. Not 1/2 or 1, no 3!
    You have never heard of Applesauce and cottage cheese together. Love it!
    My grandmother use to make it for me when I was a boy. Every time that I eat it, I think of grandma. You know what, I haven’t had it in 6 months. I’m running to the store right now!! haha

  8. Hi all, I doubt anyone who commented here will come back to see this comment, but I just wanted to clarify my run. I hadn’t run since I hurt my back, but I have continued to walk, and I routinely walk 3 miles, so it wasn’t that big of a stretch for me to run it. But still…I was thrilled

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