This ‘n That

So.  Thought you’d all enjoy a laugh at my expense.   Guess what was in the breakroom the day after I posted my lofty thoughts about choosing the best food to eat?  YES.  Mini Milky Way Bars.  YES, darn it.  I ate two of them…

Other than that, things are hunky dory around here.  On Sunday, my weight was up 2 pounds over my goal weight, and today my weight was 1 pound less than my goal weight.  I am really getting a lot of regular exercise in.  When I go to the gym regularly, I can increase the weights periodically to continue to challenge myself.  It is fun to see progress.  Of course the doggie walks continue–long in  the morning with Noah, and a shorter one in the afternoon with all three dogs.  The other day I was so proud of Monk.  I was in  the mood to walk a little longer in the afternoon walk, and we went for two miles.  He was a real trouper.   Here’s some pics of the dogs after that walk:

Sophie in her favorite place, on my lap, under a quilt.

So, what else?   Sometimes, no all the time, on a day after work, I am tired and a little cranky, and Noah is a little more enthusiastic, and has a LOT more energy.  Its not always pretty.  Today I was overheard to yell at Noah, “You’re not in charge of the world!” To which God whispered to ME, “Ditto.” Okay.  I did sort of laugh at myself when those words came out of my mouth.

Here’s my new tennies:

Here’s a little primer on making your own salad dressing.  Choose your ingredients.  For a single serving of salad I usually use about 1 teaspoon each of mustard, olive oil, honey, and balsamic (or other) vinegar.  Put in the bottom of the bowl you plan to have your salad in and mix well.  (That is some homemade mustard from a farmstand.  It is fabulous.)

Then add your greens and mix to coat evenly.  Add toppings and enjoy!

Baby lettuce and spinach topped with red pear, walnuts, and a cranberry-goat cheese!

That’s all I’ve got for today.  I’m going to follow Michelle’s advice, and unplug a little tonight.  I have to work again tomorrow.  And then THE BIRTHDAY SEASON BEGINS!!!

15 thoughts on “This ‘n That

  1. You wore those little guys (and gal) out with all the walking. Good for you, and it’s good for them too. Your new shoes look great and must feel good too. I’m going to try your beautiful salad and salad dressing recipe. I struggle with salads in the winter, because in this weather (Minnesota), I feel like I need something warm and hearty, but yours looks delicious and hearty!

  2. One of the things I miss about working was my admin’s candy jar, which usually had mini-Snickers bars. That one little mini-Snickers bar was all I needed when chocolate was on my mind. Oh, I miss my admin too. 🙂

    That salad looks yuumy!

  3. Thanks, Debby, for stopping by my blog giving me support regarding my aversion to the gym. It’s something I really do need to overcome, and your ideas helped.

  4. Aaawww you wore them out! Thats exactly whats suppose to happen , give you some peace! 🙂 Love the tennies. Saucony right? I have a pair too. I’ve ended up with those the last two times i’ve had a marathon tennies search. Before that i was an Asics Queen.

    Only two milkyway bars ??? Girl you did good! Hugs! deb

  5. I love the shot of Mr. Monk so sacked out – poor dude couldn’t even curl up into a ball, he was so tired!

    Your PINK Sauconys are so cute! I’ve never seen them in pink.

    And you gotta love the irony of the Milky Ways…god does like to laugh at us from time to time!

  6. Is that bolts of fabric in your bookshelf? I had to laugh only a quilter would put her fabric there! Love the quilt on the chair.

  7. This post made me laugh – it was a little ADD (in a good way!). Love the pink tennies. I always buy sneakers based on comfort (as I’m sure you do as well) but it’s so much FUN when they are cute too. I sure wish we lived close by, then we could walk our pups together!

    • It IS, isn’t it? Had to laugh when I re-read it. Oh, that would be fun. Sophie would enjoy a dog the right size to play with.

  8. Oooo, pretty new blog layout! Love it!!!

    I did chuckle a bit about your tale – sounds exactly like something I’d do! Except, I’d snarf down the dark Milky Way and be all self-righteous about choosing the one with the dark chocolate over the milk chocolate one. 😉

    Can I thank you enough for posting these photos? Thing 2 was in a temper that only a princess of a 6 year old can summon, and seeing her hero (Mr. Monk – sorry, Noah!) calmed her way down. Once more, I’m thankful for techno-gadgets that enable me to pull cute doggy pictures out of thin air. (And the pink running shoes cheered me up, too – those are great!)

    Hope you enjoy a wonderful birthday season!

    • Those poochies look like they are enjoying their well-deserved snooze time. Good for you for keeping up your routine AND for kicking those wanna-be extra pounds to the curb.
      I’m going to try your salad dressing. It sounds yummy.
      Oh and I appreciated your CS Lewis quote from the other day. Thanks for reminding me.

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